Full Detail About Indian Dowry System and Prohibition Law

Dowry system is a curse for society. In dowry system is the property including the articles of household, clothes, jewellery and cash that a bride brings to her husband’s home at the time of marriage. It is illegal, but it is still prevalent in many communities in India. Read Full Detail About Indian Dowry System and Prohibition Law.

Roots of the dowry are in ancient rituals. Initially its purpose was to help the bride for the starting a new life, but now, it became a burden for the bride’s family. In the ancient times their parents gave it to the daughters by out of love and affection for her. In mediaeval times it was given as a mark of social prestige.

ln the modern times dowry is a black spot on society. Now it is not given but taken under compulsion. The groom’s family forced and constrained to parents of the daughters to give dowry. If the parents of the bride’s are poor, then his daughters can remain unmarried. In modern days the bride and grooms are sold and purchased in the market. The highest bidders buy groom or bride in the auction market.

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Mostly the parents of the bridegrooms are as greedy as wolves. If they do not get as much dowry as they wish, they trouble the brides. Even after marriage they complete the brides to bring more and more from their parents and if it is not done, the brides have to undergo untold troubles. Grrom’s family calls ugly names to brides, abused and compelled to remain hungry. They forces to bride to work as slaves, insultes and beats to bride also for any small mistake. The Groom’s family burn alive or hang and compell to kill oneself by taking poison or by hanging themselves with a rope. A large number of such mishappenings take place.

The dowry system leads to domestic violence, harassment, and in some cases it leads dowry deaths. Many women face abuse, if the bride’s family can not meet the dowry demands.

For many families, giving dowry puts a significant financial strain. This leads to loans, debt, and hardship, especially in poorer households.

The dowry system promotes gender discrimination and because of this women become a financial burden for people.

The dowry system is illegal in India under the Dowry Prohibition Act 1961. But, this law is not being implemented properly till now.

Our popular government passed an anti – dowry bill to prohibit demanding dowry. Despite this the dowry has not been checked.The practice of dowry is still prevalent today. Now people adopted new methods. The bride and groom’s parents take the whole amount of decided money before the marriage is held.

Many awareness campaigns and many social movements are working for the reduction of dowry system. Education and women empowerment are the main weapons in this fight against the dowry system.

The only way to check it is social awakening. The youngers should discard marriages setted on dowry terms. They should revolt against their sale and purchase in the auction – market. Social workers should come forward to see such hungry wolves punished. The Government can do nothing substantial without social awakening against this evil. 

Although, the dowry system is illegal, it still remain a major social challenge. Strict law enforcement and social change are needed to eradicate the dowry practise. 

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