Best Science Essay In English for Students : 2000+ words

Best Science Essay In English for Students : 500+ words

Shakespeare wrote, “Nothing is good or bad in the world, but our thinking makes everything good or bad.” This is also true for the science. Science is neither a curse and nor a blessing. Everything depends on its use. Prof. C.E.M. Joad has written, “Science has given us powers fit for the gods, but we use them like a small children.” In this article read in detail about Best Science Essay In English for Students.

We live in the age of science. It has changed everything of our world. Scientific inventions like computers, satellites, X-rays, radium, plastic surgery, cellular phones, photography and machines have proved to be very useful. They have given much comfort, ease and convenience to all of us. These are due to the hard and continuous work of the scientists. We are indebted to them. There is no any part of life where science has not helped us.

In many fields science works for humans same as servant. Many inventions of science make our life easy. These are some inventions of science and their importance.

Electricity is one of the most valuable gifts of science for  our daily life. We cannot live comfortably without electricity. It has been proved to be a boon in the modern world. Electricity has saved us from unnecessary toil. It gives us light. Electricity keeps our rooms warm. It moves our fans. It boils water for us. A crane lifts up heavy weight easily and so on.

After the invention of electricity our world has completely changed. Electricity is very useful in our life.There are many and of various kinds of advantages of electricity. When we look towards cities, we find the city life has no charm without it. It is used in offices. Fans are run due to the electricity, bulbs and L.E.D. are used for light and electric bells and alarms announce the arrival of visitors etc. Moreover, trains are run by it. A journey by train became very cheap and quick. We can save coal for other useful purposes and are free from smoke.

     It is also very useful because telegrams, telephones, heaters, bulbs, talkies, computers, machines, cellular phone service, photography, radio, television and transistors cannot work in its absence.

Electricity plays an important part in industry and agriculture. Prosperity of any country depends on the business, production, trade and export. These are the backbone of progress. Hence the role of electricity in the field of agriculture and industry is also very significant and important.

In the medical sphere the human body can be analysed and diseases as well as fractures of bones can be examined by means of X-rays. Plastic surgery is the latest and very useful invention. Due to the invention of electricity science has lessened human pain and suffering a lot. All surgical instruments used by doctors and radium have proved to be very useful and essential in surgical operations.

       Cancer is no longer as deadly as before. There are hardly few diseases for which effective medicine has not been found out. So it is no longer necessary to suffer from the diseases for a long time.

Thus it is impossible to enumerate all the uses to which electricity can be put. Our daily life comfort, convenience, ease, and prosperity depend on electricity. It has become so common daily that we cannot think our world is perfect without it. Therefore electricity is the very precious gift of science to all humans. 

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Ours is the age of science. It has done much for us. It has made rapid progress in the modern age. Science has changed our styles of living and thinking. It has curtailed space and time. There is no any part of life where science has not influenced us. Today the world is not what it was fifty years ago. 

Science leads us to comfort and happiness. It has given us electricity which is very useful in our daily life. It does a lot of useful work and serves us in many ways. Science has greatly increased human happiness. It has conquered distance. It has made travelling very comfortable. Telephones and telegrams are a source of convenience and ease. Radio, transistors and television are a source of recreation. They give us current news of the world. They enhance our knowledge. 

      Machines have saved us from unnecessary toil. They have saved our time and energy. They do all kinds of work for us. The work that was used to be done by hand in the past, is now being done by machines. Agriculture has undergone a radical change. 

      Scientists have lessened human pain and misery by inventing X-rays, radium, sulpha drugs and plastic surgery. There is hardly any disease for which effective drugs have not been found out. It is no longer necessary to suffer the pangs of diseases for a very long time.

  Ours is an agricultural country. A large number of people depend on agriculture for their daily bread. They lead a simple life. The evils of modern life have not influenced them. They use old methods of agriculture. So they remain poor. This is why Gandhiji said, “India cannot progress unless the condition of farmers improves.” 

Science has conquered the many forces of nature and harnessed them into the service of humanity. It has provided numberless facilities and has made human life happy and worth living. Had not science contributed to agriculture, many of us had died of starvation. Moreover, there would not have been a Green Revolution during the past few years.

  The greatest service of science for humans is the invention of machines. With the help of machines enough work is done within a short period. Tagore said, “He who can do the largest measure of work in the shortest span of time wins out.” 

      The machines driven by petroleum products and electricity have brought out a great revolution in agriculture. Science has given us tractors which can be put to work over large tracts of land. Agricultural implements are very useful in agriculture.

Science has increased irrigation facilities. Now the farmers do not depend much on uncertain weather and scanty rainfall. Science has given them electricity to run their tubewells. It has given them light to work at night.

Science has given farmers improved varieties of seeds and fertilizers. It has given them many kinds of pesticides and insecticides. All these things have led to a great increase in agricultural production.

Thus science has rendered a great service to the farmers as a result of which their condition has improved a lot and the country has become self-reliant in producing food-grains.

Read further ‘Best Science Essay In English for Students’.

Ours is the land of villages. People generally live in villages. Before 1947 the condition of our villages was not satisfactory. At that time villagers lived in utter poverty and illiteracy. 

Due to the useful inventions of science there has been a radical change in our villages. If we happen to go to a village, we see good roads, hospitals and schools. Electricity has begun to function. Farmers use tractors and fertilizers in their fields for farming. They use improved qualities of seeds. So there has been the Green Revolution. It has made farmers richer than before.

       The changes made in village life are due to the work of scientists. Had they not done so, there would not have been far-reaching changes. For this, we are indebted to the untiring work of the scientists. Science has changed village life to a great extent. Our country is proud of the glorious work and endeavour of her scientists. They did their best to improve the miserable condition of the villagers and their villages. In their efforts lies the impact of science in our villages. 

Pandit Nehru, the first Prime Minister of free India has written, “Life is governed by the off-shoots of science and it is very difficult to imagine existence without them.” Pointing out the importance of science, Herbert Spencer writes, “Science alone can give us true conception of ourselves and our relation to the mysteries of existence.” And Indian villages are no exception to it. Thus we see the impact of science clearly on them and far-reaching changes in village life testify it.

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Machines are our extra limbs. They weave clothes for us. Production of goods is quick and cheap. We can fly like birds. We can cross the sea like fish. In daily life Calculators and Computers do the work of accountants and clerks. Guns and firearms can save humans lives in danger. Radio and television sing for us. Inventions in the field of transport and communication have helped all humans a lot.

In the medical field new drugs have been invented. They have become popular and useful. Many times a single dose of a medicine ends our pain. A weeping child begins to smile. Thus we see that science serves us like a good servant. It is now clear that wonderful and effective inventions in medicine and surgery have made human life healthier and happier than before.

We live in the age of science, which has changed the face of the whole world. It has conquered the forces of nature. It has shortened time and space. Thus it has made impossible things possible. So science has given us powers fit for the gods. But there is also a dark side of the picture. Now a day we are doing misuse of science.

But science is not without its abuses. It has given us powers of a devil. It has given us deadly powers. Now we have destructive weapons like atom bombs and hydrogen bombs. Death rays, nitrogen bombs and nuclear weapons can wipe out humanity from the world. G.D.H. Cole writes, “The very advance of science has become a danger to the human beings and others.”

Machines are very useful but they are nothing but a necessary evil. They enhance capitalism. They are the basis of industrialization. Machines are very useful in our life but they are the main cause of unemployment also. Many people lose their jobs and become unemployed. This is why Gandhiji was against unnecessary use of machines. They have given rise to various political, economical, and social problems all over the world. Prof. Joad writes, “Machines were made to be servants of humans but now a days they have become his master.”

Science has made us materialistic. Now we do not care for good or evil. We are attached to the world and crave for power and money. Thus science has made us forget souls and moral values. This is why Gandhiji advised us not to give undue importance to science.

Mr. A.K. Smith writes, “In the sky above, on the earth below and down to the ocean has gone the victorious car of science.”

     But  It has given us powers of a devil. We should remember that our ills are not due to science. It is its wrong use that has created havoc. The proper use of scientific inventions is really a blessing of nature, while its wrong use is a curse. This is why Prof. Hardy wrote, “Science is the angel in peace but it is demon in war.”

       On the whole, science is neutral. It is neither good nor bad. Science does good to humans if it is used properly. But it will harm us if it is misused. If it costs our soul and God. We are responsible for it. So Shakespeare was perfectly correct when he said. “Nothing is good or bad in the world, but our thinking makes everything good or bad.”  Hence a sensible use of science is the need of today’s time.

Best Science Essay In English for Students….

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