Best Essay on Vehicular Pollution for Students : 300+ words

Best Essay on Vehicular Pollution for Students

Vehicular Pollution means making environment dirty by vehicles. Read Best Essay on Vehicular Pollution for Students.

The word ‘Pollution’ has been formed from the verb’ pollute ‘which means to make foul or dirty.’ Vehicular means ‘related to a vehicle. Thus Vehicular Pollution means making environment dirty by vehicles. Hence if the environment becomes dirty by vehicles then it is called Vehicular Pollution.

The pollution is of four kinds –

  • (i) Air pollution
  • (ii) Water pollution
  • (iii) Land pollution
  • (iv) Noise pollution

Vehicle are the main source of vehicular pollution. It is mainly in big cities like Kanpur, Delhi and Agra. Today we see a large number of vehicles on the road day and night. They make too much noise and emit smoke.

According to eminent scientists noise more than eighty decibels causes deafness.  In large cities like Delhi, Kanpur, Agra and Lucknow there is too much traffic. It we happen to stand near a busy centre, we see a long line of cars, buses and trucks. Their engines and horns  produce noise and environment is polluted.

Vehicular pollution is very harmful. Too much noise is unbearable.It adversely affects human body and mind. It makes a man deaf. It distorts him mentally. Due to it he cannot sleep soundly. A sound sleep keeps him fit for work. 

Ours is a welfare state. A welfare state cannot remain idle when there is a threat to her people’s health and comfort. Keeping this in mind our government has set up the Department of Environment to control pollution.

To reduce Vehicular Pollution we should have to follow the instructions given below.

  • Use public transport or electric vehicles.
  • Drive less and walk as more as possible travel short distances (few kilo meters) by bicycles.
  • Check pollution of your vehicles properly.
  • Pool the car.

The problem of pollution has become very serious today. It is responsibility of everyone to controll the Vehicular Pollution, otherwise the public will suffer with many problems. So the state should take firm steps to check the wrong use of vehicles. The people should also cooperate with government . If we do not take proper steps, our future will not be bright.

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